I don’t have to think you very much I do not have to think you very much/ I only am arrive time some street inters...
I don’t have to think you very much I do not have to think you very much/ I only am arrive time some street inters...
译无定法,译无止境,译无完美,翻译文学空间广阔。翻译界和批评界越来越倾向这样的共识。翻译家不断挑战文学原作和前面的译本,固然是好事。读者在选择时却不可不小心从事,切忌随波逐流,让劣币驱逐了良币,蒙蔽在云雾之中,不辨高低上下。 富于创...
Chief Black Hawk’s Surrender Speech of 1832 I fought hard. But your guns were well aimed. The bullets flew like bi...
The Shadowland of Dreams Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I als...
Cookies, Forgotten and Forgiven As I sat perched in the second-floor window of our brick schoolhouse that afternoon, my ...
Am I An Adult Yet? I turn 39 soon. Even though I’ve already suffered through a midlife crisis, I still don’t...
Game Dad This morning my wife found me playing with my son’s toy cars again. It was the third time this week. My s...
Florence Gerard Ducasse I will call her Florence. This is not her real name, of course. I was a newly qualified doctor a...
一、翻译种类和外事翻译的特点 翻译活动的范围很广。就其翻译方式来说,有汉语译成外语(简称“汉译 外”)和外语译成汉语(简称“外译汉”)两种。就其工作方式来说,有口头翻 译(简称“口译”,interpretation)和笔头翻译(简称...
译者各有身份也好,所译文体不同也罢,只要是翻译,都得从词义句法的ABC着手。 上世纪90年代初期,应邀回到黑龙江大学,奉命给学生讲几句话。一时之间不知从何说起,就把自己的老一套搬出来了,谓既是英语系的学生,那就一要学好英语(夯实基础...
“像宗教家一般的虔诚,像科学家一般的精密,像革命志士一般的刻苦顽强。”这是傅雷毕生对待翻译的态度。 1957年6月9日,傅雷先生在被划为右派分子的前夜,在《文艺报》上发表了《翻译经验点滴》。他在结尾处写道:“因为文学家是解剖社会的医...