

  • 东方网教育 2011年07月11日13:44 来源:育路网
  • 英语学习者一般愿做英译汉题目,怕做汉译英题目。由于历史和文化上的差异,汉英词语之间存在着或显或隐的翻译上的陷阱,导致汉译英远比英译汉易于出错。用鲁迅的话说,就是“词典不离手,冷汗不离身。”这提醒译者必须对这些差异心中有数,然后再调和这些差异,“摆平”这些差异。为此,要迈好下面八道坎儿,时刻要留心这八条“戒律”——只想为你擦亮满天星光,以免在熟路上“迷失方向”。




    共同关心的问题 questions of common interest

    解决问题 solve a problem

    问题的关键 the heart of the matter

    关键问题 a key problem

    原则问题 a question/ matter of principle

    悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue

    没有什么问题 Without any mishap

    摩托车有点问题。 Something is wrong with the motorcycle.

    问题不在这里。 That is not the point.

    最近揭发出相当严重的贪污、受贿和官僚主义问题。 Serious cases of embezzlement, bribery, and bureaucracy have been brought to light recently.


    沙博里将《水浒传》译为:Outlaws of the Marsh(沼泽地上的亡命之徒)。杨宪益译将屈原的《国殇》译为:For Those Fallen for Their Country,北外出版社将《儒林外史》译为:The Scholars。这些都是译者吃透了原文的原意而译出的佳作。



    黄牛(yellow cow——ox前误后正,下同)黄鹂(yellow bird ——oriole)

    从小青梅竹马(green plum bamboo horse——grew up together)

    黄瓜( yellow melon——cucumber) 紫菜(purple vegetable ——laver)

    白菜( white vegetable ——Chinese cabbage)

    红木(red wood——pad auk) 红豆杉(red fir——Chinese yew)

    黑社会(black society ——sinister gang)




    And tossed the pen on the table. He intoned the verses to himself, then downed a few more cups of wine. He was very dunk. Song-Jiang asked for the bill, paid, and told the waiter to keep the change.(沙博里译《水浒传·浔阳楼宋江吟反诗》)

    目前,《水浒传》最好的英译本要数沙博里先生的本子了。沙博里出生在美国,青年时来到中国,一住就是半个多世纪。为了译好《水浒传》,据说他潜心研究了山东的地方志和旧时方言,可谓精诚所致,译著既“达”又“雅”。然而历史告诉我们,中国古人没有用过钢笔,宋时用的还是毛笔,故the pen 应改为the writing-brush。

    白洋淀的导游牌上,“红菱”被硬硬地翻译成Red Ling。菱角有对应词的,应改为Red Water Chestnut。这里常常有外国人参观,如此翻译,令人汗颜!



    “It’s impossible to get to the west,” the old man replied, “The mountains are about twenty miles from here. You have to cross them to get to the west, but they’re over 250 miles of flame. Not a blade of grass can grow anywhere around. Even if you had a skull of bronze and a body of iron, you would melt trying to cross them.”



    The US policy of linking trade with human rights can only bring harm to the economic interests of the two countries.

    关起门来搞建设是不成的,中国的发展离不开世界。 China can’t develop in isolation from the rest of the world.


    主语是句子的灵魂, 定住译文的主语的是关键的一步棋。主语定偏了,整个句子将显得松散乏力,甚至会误导读者。


    Failure to settle this issue is bound impair the relations between the two countries seriously.

    If the problem is not solved , it is sure to affect the interests between the two countries



    What holds our two great nations together is the cement of common interests.



    We grasp huge shields, clad in Rhinoceros Hide;the Chariots clash, the Daggers gashing wide.(杨宪益译《屈原·国殇》)



    Finding a fish in kitchen was lost, the host swore to find out the thief who stole the fish.

    尽管汉语中似乎有“厨房”“主人”两个主语,译者果断地选定了the host作主语。打点清晰,增强了句子的内聚力。


    On the Hawaiian sandy beach, the coconut palms are whirling, the congenial sea breeze is blowing, and a young lady is lying in the white plastics chair resting to restore energy.

    因为是轻松读本,又是描述性的文字,使用三个主语the coconut palms、the congenial sea breeze、a young lady仍是可取的。 

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