新闻英语词汇――新词新译 E
厄尔尼诺现象 El Nino phenomenon
恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation
恶性循环 vicious circle
鳄鱼的眼泪 crocodile tears
恶作剧 mischief; leg-pull
伤痕文学 scar literature; the literature of the wounded
恶搞 spoof
恩格尔系数 Engel’s coefficient–the proportion of expense on food to the consumption expense
二把手 second in command
二百五 a stupid person
二板市场 growth enterprise board; second board market; hi-tech board
二传手 second transmitter
二次创业 start a new undertaking
二次加工能力 the capacity to reprocess
二次能源 secondary energy sources; second energy
二次污染 secondary pollution
二道贩子 two-way merchants
二级市场 secondary market
二进宫 “to enter the palace a second time (people with a past criminal record again commits a crime, and is convicted and put into a correctional institution)”
2008夏季奥运会 2008 summer Olympics
二流选手 “scrub, second-rater”
(把…当成)耳旁风 Like water off (on) a duck’s back
二手房 second-hand house
儿童不宜片 X-rated movie; R-rated film (violence and adult content)
儿童心理学 kidology
二元经济 dual economy
新闻英语词汇――新词新译 D
大案要案 major cases
打白条 issue IOU
大包大揽 take on all things
打包贷款 packing credit
打包儿 use doggy bags to take food home
大包干 all-round responsibility system
打保票 vouch for somebody; guarantee something
达标活动 target hitting activities
大病统筹 comprehensive arrangement for serious disease
大撤把 totally laissez-faire
大包大揽 belly-worship
大酬宾 give a large discount to one’s customers or guests
打出王牌 play one’s trump card
大出血 make a big markdown
搭错车 follow a wrong train; join in a wrong group; follow a wrong example; wrong act because of wrong judgement or rash imitation
大而全 large and comprehensive; large and all-inclusive
打翻身战 fight to change for the better
打工 do work for others
大规模杀伤性武器 weapons of mass destruction
大锅饭 egalitarian practice of everyone taking food from the same big pot
打黑 crack down on evil forces
大轰动 blockbuster
大环境 the social, political and economic environment; the overall situation
大换血 an overall renewal of the membership of an organization
打击报复 conduct reprisals; retaliate
打击非法投机活动 strike out at speculation; crack down on speculation
打假 crack down on fake products
打假办 Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
大检察官 principal public procurator
大减价 markdown sales
大贱卖 big offering
大奖赛 prize-giving competition
打卡机 punch machine
打开天窗说亮话 put all cards on the table; speak frankly; let’s not mince matters
大开眼界 open one’s eyes; broaden one’s horizons; be an eye-opener
打口碟 cracked CD
大款 tycoon
大力扣杀 hammer
大龄青年 single youngsters who have exveeded the lawful marriage age (In China the age atatus of this group of people is around thirty in age. To be a short term, it is also called overage youth)
大路货 goods; 2. popular goods of fine quality
大满贯 grand slam
大排档 large stall; sidewalk snack booth
打破僵局 break the deadlock
打破垄断 breakup of monopoly
打破“三铁” break the Three Irons: iron armchairs(life-time posts), iron rice bowl(life-time employment) and iron wages (guaranteed pay)
大气候 state policies and priciples; overall atmosphere
大人物 great man; big potato; very important person (VIP)
大撒把 totally laissez-faire
大胜 white wash
大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
搭售 conditional sale; tie-in sale
打顺手 “find one’s touch, get into gear, settle into a groove”
打私 combat smuggling
搭送 额外奉送 throw in
大腕 top notch, big shot
大碗茶 stall tea
大卫教 ranch Davidian
打问号 have some question or doubt
打小报告 secretly report on a colleague; rat on a fellow worker
打小报告的人 squealer
答谢宴会 return banquet
大型电视系列片,长篇电视连续剧 maxi-series
大型廉价商店 warehouse store
大学生创业 university students’ innovative undertaking
大要案 major and serious criminal cases
打游击 work in unfixed places; work as a seasonal laborer
大藏经 Tripitaka
大昭寺 Jokhang Temple.
大众传媒 mass media (of communications)
大专生 junior college student
大专文凭 associate degree
大做文章 make a big fuss about something
打补丁(电脑) patch installing
达成共识 reach a consensus
大法官 chief justice
打拐 cracking down on the abduction of women and children
大会特邀代表 specially-invited delegate to the congress
待岗 “await job assignment, post-waiting”
代沟 generation gap
代理服务 agency service
代码 code
代培 train on contract; train special personnel for other work units in return for payment guaranteed by a contract
代销 market on commission
代销店 commission agent
带薪产假 paid maternity leave
带薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits
带薪假期 paid holiday
贷学金(助学贷款) student loan
待业 job-waiting
待业人员 job-waiting people
呆帐 dead account
代职 function in an acting capacity
逮捕证 arrest warrant
贷款质量 loan quality
蛋白质工程 protein engineering
单边主义 unilateralism
弹道导弹 ballistic missile
单刀赴会 start a solo run
单方面撕毁协定 unilaterally tear up an agreement or a treaty
淡季 dead or slack season
单亲 single parent
单身贵族 the single
单亲家庭 single-parent family
淡水恶化 freshwater degradation
单挑;单干 do something by oneself; work on one’s own
单向收费 One-way charge system
单循环制 single round-robin system
单一经济 one sided economy; single product economy
单一种植 single cropping
党代会 congress of party representatives
党风 Party style
党风建设 construction of the Party conduct
挡箭牌 excuse; pretext
当前用户 active user
党群关系 Party-masses relationship
党外人士 non-Party personage; public figure outside the Party
党性 Party spirit
党政机关 Party and government organizations
党总支 Party general branch
当作耳旁风 turn a deaf ear to something
单眼皮 single eyelid
盗版VCD pirated VCD
导播 instructor in broadcasting
倒春寒 unusually cold spell in an otherwise warm early spring
盗打 (电话) free call on somebody else’s expense through illegal means
导弹发射场 missile launching site; missile site
导弹护卫舰 (guided) missile destroyer
道德法庭 court of ethics
倒挂销售 sell at a price lower than the purchasing price
倒汇 speculate in foreign currency
倒计时 countdown
捣浆糊 give the runaround; run wild; act restlessly
倒买倒卖 profiteering
倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
倒爷 profiteer
盗用公款 embezzlement
道路交通安全法 the law on road traffic safety
到位 in place
打折店 discount store
德才兼备 have both political integrity and ability; people who possess both political integrity and professional ability
德高望重 be of high integrity and prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect; be of noble character and enjoys high prestige
德智体美劳 “all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education ”
等额选举 single-candidate election
登革热 Dengue Fever
等价交换 equal-value exchange
等距离外交 equidistant diplomacy
等外品 “off-grade goods, rejects”
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory
邓小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts
登月舱 lunar module
登记失业率 registered jobless rate
地磁暴 geomagnetic storm (caused by the activities of the sunspot)
低调 low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach)
地对地导弹 surface-to-surface ballistic missile
地对空导弹 surface-to-air ballistic missile
敌对势力 hostile forces
第二产业 secondary industry
第二课堂 the second classroom; practical training besides lecturing in the classroom
第二上市 secondary listing
第二学位 second Bachelor’s degree
地方保护主义 regional protectionism
地方财政包干制 system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances
地方财政 finance of local administration; local public finance; local finance
低谷 all-time low; at a low ebb
低级市 prefecture-level city
地级市 prefecture-level city
低价住房 low-cost housing
抵抗全球经济衰退 combat the global economic slump
低空飞行 low-altitude flying
底夸克 bottom quark
第六感觉 the sixth sence
抵免 offset
地勤人员 ground crew
地球村 global village
地球末日 geocide
地球日 Earth Day (April 22)
地球资源卫星 earth resources satellite
地区霸权主义 regional hegemonism
地区差异 regional disparity
地热资源 geothermal resources
滴入式经济 trickle-down economy
第三产业 tertiary industry; service sector
第三代移动电话(3G手机) third-generation mobile; 3G mobile
地市级城市 prefecture-level city
低水平重复建设 low-level redundant development
第四产业 the fourth industry
迪斯尼乐园 Disney Land
地下出版物 underground publications
地下核试验 underground nuclear test
地下经济 underground economy
地下钱庄 illegal private bank
地效飞机 land-effect plane
第一发球权 first inning
第一发球员 first server
第一轮投票 first round of voting
第一生产力 primary productive force
第一手材料 material at first hand; first-hand material
第一双打 first pair
地震 earthquak, quake
地震棚 earthquake shelter-tents (used as emergency shelter after an earthquake)
点播 request the broadcasting (or telecasting)
点播节目 phone-in program
电大 college courses broadcast on television
垫付 “advancement, payment on account”
电话号码升位 upgrade telephone number
电话会议 teleconference
电话会议呼叫 Conference calling
电话留言机 answering machine
电老虎 electricity guzzler; big power consumer
点面结合 integrate point and sphere
点名册 roll book
电脑病毒 computer virus
电脑犯罪 computer crime
电脑校对机 electronic-brain collator
电脑空间 cyberspace
电脑聊天 cyberchat
电脑盲 computer illiterate
电脑迷 mouse potato
点球 penalty kick
电视发射台 television transmitting station
电视会议 video conference
电视迷 couch potato
电视网 television network
电视直销 TV home shopping
电信运营商 telecom operators
电源电网 power generating facilities and power grids
电子报刊 electronic press
电子宠物 electronic pet
电子出版 electronic publishing
电子词典 electronic dictionary
电子耳 electronic ears
点子公司 consulting company
电子公告牌 Bulletin Board System (BBS)
电子货币 electronic currency; electronic money
电子商务认证 e-business certification
电子商务平台 e-commerce platform
电子商务 electronic commerce; e-business; e-commerce
电子数据交换业务 electronic data interchange service
电子物流配送 e-distribution
电子银行 electronic bank
电子邮件 e-mail
点击量 pageview
电子政务 e-government
(解决争端)调查结果 findings
吊带衫 sun-top, tank-top
掉价 fall in price; degrade oneself
吊球 drop shot
吊胃口 tempt (someone with something); stimulate someone’s desire
吊销执照 revoke one’s license
钓鱼工程 angling engineering projects
钓鱼台国宾馆 Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
调动一切积极因素 mobilize all positive factors
钓鱼岛 Diaoyu Islands
低调处理 downplay
跌幅 range of a price drop
跌眼镜 have people drop glasses (make unexpected mistakes so as to shock people with wonder and have them drop their glasses)
低密度住宅 low-density residential buildings
定编 personnel allocation
定调子 set the tone
定额计酬 quota remuneration
定岗 determine posts
丁克一族 DINKS (Double Income No Kids)
顶梁柱 backbone; main support
定期存款 time deposit; fixed deposit; fixed account
定向培训 target training; job-oriented training
定向生 targeted-area student
定向增发 additional stock issue tailed for…
定向招生 enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas
定心丸 mind relief
钉子户 person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project
丢车保帅 give up a pawn to save a chariot; sacrifice something minor to save something major
底线 bottom line
第一产业 primary industry
东道国 host country
动感 dynamic
动感电影,多维电影 multidimensional movie (3D or 4D etc.)
东盟 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
东盟地区论坛 ASEAN Regional Forum
东盟自由贸易区 ASEAN Free Trade Area
东南亚国家联盟 ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations)
动迁户 households to be relocated
董事会 board of directors
“东突”恐怖分子 East Turkistan terrorist
“东突”恐怖分子 “Eastern Turkistan” terrorist
“东突”恐怖组织 “Eastern Turkistan” terrorist organization
东西对话 East-West dialogue
豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project
豆腐脑 jellied bean curd
独家代理 exclusive agency
渡假外交 holiday-making diplomacy
独家新闻 scoop
独立董事 independent director
独立关税区 separate customs territory
独立国家联合体(独联体) the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
独立核算工业企业 independent accounting enterprise
独立自主自办的原则 principle of independence and self-governance
杜鲁门主义 Truman Doctrine
独苗 the only son or daughter; the only child
独生子女 the only child in one’s family
毒枭 drug trafficker
独资经营 single-investor enterprise; sole proprietorship enterprise; sole investment enterprise
断档 severed shelf; sold out
断交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man)
断码 short in size
短期放款 money at call and short notice
短期债务 floating debt
端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival
短线产品 products in short supply; goods in short supply
短信 short messages; text messages
断章取义 quote one’s words out of context
短期工作实习 internship
对冲基金 hedge fund
对等开放 reciprocal opening
对方付费电话 collect call
对…毫无顾忌 make no bones about …
对话和合作 dialogue and co-operation
对奖活动 raffle
对讲机 talkie and walkie
对抗性矛盾 antagonistic contradiction
对口味 suit one’s taste
对内搞活,对外开放 revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world
对牛弹琴 play the harp( (lute) to a cow; cast pearls before a swine
对外经济技术交流 economic and technological exchanges with the outside world
对外招商 attract foreign investment
兑现承诺 make good on the promise
队长袖标(足球) skipper’s armband
对种粮农民实行直接补贴 directly subsidize grain producers
对中西部地区适当倾斜 appropriately directed to the central and western areas of the country
对抗或强制 confrontation or coercion
对人民币重新估值 revaluation of the Renminbi
独立董事制度 the independent director system
蹲点 (of cadres) stay at a selected grass-roots spot (for investigation and study)
蹲点跑面 gain experience in selected spots and then spread it over the whole area
敦煌石窟 Dunhuang Grottoes
多边贸易谈判 multilateral trade negotiation
多边贸易谈判 multilateral trade talks
多边贸易体制 the multilateral trading system
多边政策 multilateralism
夺标 win the championship
多层次资本市场体系 the multi-layer capital market system
多重国籍 plural nationality; multiple nationality
多党合作制 multi-party cooperation in exercising state power
多党合作和政治协商制度 the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation
多碟DVD multidisc DVD player
多功能汽车 multi-purpose vehicle (MPV)
多功能性(农业) multifunctionality
夺冠 take the crown
多(跨)国公司 multinational companies
多国维持和平部队 multinational peach-keeping force
多极化 multi-polariation
多极时代 multi-polar times
多极世界 multi-polar world
多极性 multi-polarized
多劳多得 more pay for more work
多媒体 multimedia
多媒体短信服务 MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
多年积累的深层次问题 long-standing and deep-seated prolems
多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)
多头市场 bull market
多头账户 long account
多头执法 duplicate law enforcement
多退少补 refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficciency
多元化 pluralism
多元社会 pluralistic society
多元文化社会 multi-cultural society
多种经济成分 diverse sectors of the economy
多种经营 diversified economy
多边贸易 multilateral trade
多予少取放活政策 the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control
多种所有制经济共同发展 allow diverse forms of ownership to develop side by side
渎职 dereliction of duty